Thursday, August 16, 2007

Maharal's Concept of Time

2 Elul

We normally think of time as a fixed entity - time passes us by. We stroll through the week and the days come and go, checking off each passing day on the calendar. In actuality, says the Maharal (a great Rav in Prague, circa 1550), we pass through time. You heard me right - time is fixed, and we pass through it.

What exactly does that mean, you say? Well, it means that there are certain qualities to each time of the year, and they repeat themselves every single year. Take Nissan, for example. We think of Nissan as Zman Cheiruteinu, the time of our freedom, because the Jews left Egypt in Nissan. In reality, the opposite is true. Bnei Yisrael left Egypt in Nissan because the quality of Nissan was Cheirus. The time for freedom was ripe during Nissan, therefore Bnei Yisrael left. The cause of Yetzias Mitzrayim taking place in Nissan was the Cheirus aspect of the month of Nissan.

If all of the months of the year have different qualities to them, what is Elul's theme? Just like we solved Nissan's theme through the Chumash, we can do the same for Elul, as well. What happened during Elul?

Moshe Rabbeinu spent 40 days on Har Sinai three times - once to get the 1st Luchos, once to beg forgiveness for the Cheit HaEgel, and once to get the 2nd Luchos. It was the last of those 40 days, the trip to get the 2nd Luchos, that spanned all of Elul and the first 10 days of Tishrei (culminating on Yom Kippur when Moshe brought the 2nd Luchos down to Bnei Yisrael).

Therefore, Elul is all about second chances. We messed up during the year, but now we have a real chance to make amends. We have a God-aided 2nd chance, a second wind to improve on our actions of the past. With HKBH's help, we will be able to improve on the past year during coming month, as HKBH is close to all who call to him (as mentioned in Ashrei).

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