Monday, September 8, 2008

Back in Business

8 Elul 5768

For those of you who followed this blog last year, I welcome you back. For those who are new, I invite you to browse last year's posts as well as this year's. And all are encouraged to comment on each day's vort if you feel so inclined.

Okay, ready to rumble! Elul is here, and that means it's once again A Time for Teshuva. As the Maharal explains, each of the months of the year have a different quality to them - Nissan, for example, has the quality of cheirus, freedom. Elul, then, certainly has the quality of Teshuva, of second chances - after all, Moshe spent all of Elul on Har Sinai begging Hashem to forgive Bnei Yisrael for the Golden Calf. (For a bit more elaboration, check out the post titled "The Maharal's Concept of Time")

The point of this blog, then, is to help the reader along his/her journey towards real and complete Teshuva. Some people are able to do Teshuva on their own, while others find that it's easier when you have a bit of a support group. This blog will hopefully fill that role, to enable those who read it to discuss their feelings and thoughts in an anonymous setting, to grow without feeling embarrassed about one's own sins.

(Side note - one should never feel embarrassed that they allowed the Yetzer Hara to get the best of them. After all, his whole job - no, his whole existence - is to get us to sin. So you'd imagine he's pretty good at it. We'll talk more about the Yetzer Hara as we go along. But don't be depressed just because you got tripped up a couple times by the dirtiest player in the game).

Share this with your friends, or keep the tidbits to yourself. Either way, grow. Climb. Reach for the top. Set aside a few moments each day, devoted to just thinking about Teshuva. Exerting even the tiniest effort in this area will change your Elul experience into something that's incredibly meaningful. That way, we will be able show HKBH that we truly care about getting closer to Him, and iy"H He will accept us back with open arms.

השיבנו ה' אליך ונשובה


Mom H said...

From a simple mother who couldn't be prouder of her son -who is anything but simple. Yasher Koach. I LEARN SO MUCH FROM YOU. love you

Anonymous said...

Not so simple a Jew can inspire so many!! Thank you for making this blog. My friend told me about it and I never really have much contact with these blogs and so I always feel as though I;m missing out on all there is to offer out there. Hashem should reward you for all that you do.

Zvi said...

Thanks, Ma, you're sweet. Much appreciated.